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DC Motor Encoder

For higher positioning and speed control, ZHAOWEI provides a wide range of encoders to combine with the complete portfolio of DC motors. offers 2- and 3-channel incremental magnetic and optical encoders with standard quadrature resolution from 16 to up to 10,000 pulses per revolution or single-turn absolute encoders with a resolution of up to 4 ,096 steps.

Optical Encoders

Optical encoders are characterised by a very high position and repeat accuracy as well as a very high signal quality due to the precise measuring element. Furthermore, they are insensitive to magnetic interference. In optical encoders, a code disc with a measuring element is used that is attached to the shaft of the DC motor. A distinction is made here between reflective and transmissive optical encoders.


The pulse number of each week of rotation:1~1024
Encoder channel:2~3
Output signal:Differential ABZ/UV/ UVW
 Single end ABZ
Work current, typical value (mA) :10
Power supply voltage(V):3.3~5
Maximum speed (rpm):55000

Encoder From ZHAOWEI

Magnetic and optical incremental encoders

Incremental encoders with high accuracy with modular design

The incremental encoders from ZHAOWEI are constructed according to optical or magnetic principles as well as in a single-chip version. The encoder supplies two 90° phase-shifted square wave signals with up to 10,000 pulses. In the 3-channel version, an additional index pulse is available per motor revolution.


Absolute encoder for commutation, rotational speed control and position control

Absolute angle information immediately after switching on

In combination with the ZHAOWEI DC-motors, the absolute encoder is ideal for commutation, rotational speed and position control. Absolute means each shaft position within a revolution is assigned a unique angular value through the encoder.


Three main DC motor technologies

Our three DC motor solutions are iron cored, coreless and brushless. All can be enhanced with motion control technology.

23 modular gearboxes form factors and customized gearboxes

We want to help get you developing quickly. So we have many off-the-shelf form factors in a variety of winding configurations available for immediate sample or purchase.

Customised for your application

Your application is unique so we expect you to need some custom features or specific performance. Work with our application engineers to design the perfect solution.

Tell Us About Your Application Requirements
ZHAOWEI team is glad to help you choose the right micro gear motor to optimize your application. Please fill out the form below with the necessary information and our representative will respond to you as soon as possible.

    Customer Service

    ZHAOWEI’s micro drive systems apply in diverse areas all around the world to deliver the power, precision, and efficiency to motion solutions. Our sales and engineering support teams are ready to assist you with any questions, including quotation, application support, and product configuration. Please submit your requirements through our Custom Service Form to ensure a faster response.

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