Peristaltic Pump for the Floor Scrubber

Load Current: 1.3A Max

Rated Voltage: 12VDC

Working Voltage: 6-14VDC

Rated Speed: 400RPM±10%

Operating Life: ≥1500h

Tube Diameter: ∅8mm

Flow Capacity: 300ml/min


Combining with the functions of sucking, mopping, and sweeping, the floor scrubber is being widely used in healthcare, manufacturing, and commercial applications for its advantages of effective cleaning efficiency, convenient operation, and faster drying. However, Today’s floor scrubbers are commonly equipped with diaphragm pumps whose water tank and main engine are connected only by spring clips. Thus, the main engine owns weak control over the water tank, and the scrubber will leak water after staying at somewhere for a while. In addition, due to the structure of the diaphragm pumps, the tank will make a lot of noise and the pipeline vibrates obviously when the power is turned on, which provides a bad experience for the users.


Based on the deep insights into market and consumer needs, ZHAOWEI and the floor scrubber manufacturers jointly developed a peristaltic water pump driven by the planetary gearbox which owns the features of high transmission accuracy, simple maintenance, and easy installation. ZHAOWEI peristaltic pump can not only make the floor scrubber run efficiently but also extend its service life. When the power is turned, the peristaltic pump developed by ZHAOWEI can control the roller clips to apply pressures to the flexible tube by means of the planetary gearbox output shaft and output a fixed fluid per rotation so as to achieve the purpose of quantitative transmission. Furthermore, ZHAOWEI peristaltic pump conforms to the “Supplier Product Environmental Protection Agreement” and passes a series of quality tests such as the torque test, noise test, and life test. At the same time, the pump can carry high-performance motors and develop high-end adaptable products according to the customer’s requirements.

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