Brushed DC Motor
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Brushed DC Motor

Secure your technological advance

We know: Every application has its own requirements and needs an individual specification. We also know: It is difficult to assign the right component. That is why it is important to us to respond to your needs individually and with personal advice.We customize products through technological consultations, sample productions, optional functionalities, and other forms of support we offer to meet your demands.

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Applications for innovative markets

The automotive industry places high demands on electromechanical drives: compact, energy-efficient, and low-noise. We develop optimally adapted micro drive systems together with you for your innovation
Smart Home
With home automation technology constantly changing and evolving, ZHAOWEI’s smart home drive products are developed under the principle of “Smarter”, “Safer”, and “Simpler” to better address the customers’ needs.ZHAOWEI are always researching and developing our product range to offer the most innovative automation technology suitable for the smart home automation market.
Medical Equipment
ZHAOWEI micro drive systems are used in numerous medical applications. Our motors perform reliably and with the best possible quality in high-precision devices such as active implants, pain pumps,insulin pumps, pumps,dialysis pumps and medication delivery systems,surgical systems, power tools, respirators,and ventilators. Drive components for medical technology applications must meet extremely demanding requirements.
Industrial Equipment
Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence. The industrial-grade drive components from ZHAOWEI convince with their high endurance and performance in a robust and compact design
Consumer Electronics
It’s clear that many consumer devices have to interact with the real world and for that they need a motor or a mechanism. Designing for consumer applications is a bit of an art because there are many competing constraints. The cost is often the most important objective to consider but the ease of manufacture, which enables fast ramp-ups if the product‘takes off’, is also a key component.
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